October came and went in the blink of an eye… mostly because it didn’t stop raining and so I kept my eyes shut for a lot of the time (hums to himself ‘I don’t like the rain outside my windoooow’) .

So, not a lot happened from a literary point of view, I watch the leaves change colour and feel inadequate as a writer because my production has faded with them, I wait for it to drop off completely. Ah, melancholy you old sweetheart.

A quick face-slap later and I am yet again full of vigour, or is that vigor? I guess it depends which side of the Atlantic you stand.

The novella that I planned out a while back, has been grinding on, so I have set myself a daily word-count goal (which I may yet fail, grrr). It has a working title, which I quite like, even though it is a little cliche, so I may need to beta-test that along with the rest of it. My main area of concern / indecisiveness lies with the ‘view point’. I am not sure whether it would be better in first person or third. My instinct tells me ‘first’, but I have reservations about the style; its inherent issues with not being able to view a situation from another person’s frame of mind. I think my gut is right, I think it will bein the ‘first’, but research is needed.

Anyway, must press on. Namaste.